Saturday, March 31, 2012

You Still Don't Understand: The Rise and Fall of Fatherhood

Fathers Day is Sunday, 17 June. ?You are more than welcome to post links to the material or to reprint it, but please do not do so until Saturday, June 16, so publication will coincide with Fathers Day.



30 Mar 2012

The Rise and Fall of Fatherhood

drD (Richard Driscoll)

"A man in the home is worth two in the street."

? Mae West

A half century ago, we might have been excused for believing that human families were meant to include not just mothers and children but fathers as well.? Many of us believed that fatherhood had been, was, and always would be a cornerstone of the human family.? In the 1960's only 5% of American children were born to single moms, reflecting a norm that went back as far as anyone could remember.? Twenty years before that, in the 1940's, about 3% were born to single moms.?

????? Now, in the 2010's, some 40% of children in America are born to single women.[1]? Almost half of these moms are in living-together arrangements, which are fragile at best.[2]? Of? first marriages, about 40% will end in divorce, and the mothers are the primary residential custodians in most of them.? Of children with custodial mothers, only one-third see their fathers as often as once a week,[3] and contact tapers off over the years. Ten years after a separation, two-thirds of children have virtually no contact with the men who were once their fathers.[4]? So somewhere over half of American children born today will be raised in matriarchal arrangements with no father or only a sometime father.?

????? Fathers are fast losing ground amid the escalating barrage of complaints about men in general and fathers in particular.? Motherhood is a biological necessity, at the heart of the family, and women seldom abandon their children when they have a choice.? Fatherhood, on the other hand, relies on a combination of personal preferences, social pressures, and a host of unknowns.? So when the two parent family unravels, it is men who vanish, and families revert to the more primal mother?plus?children arrangement.?

????? ?As a tribute on Fathers Day, we look here at the meaning and importance of fatherhood through the ages, among our own and among other species as well.? We look for some sense of why fatherhood is unraveling and why so quickly. ?

The benefits of cooperation

????????? Raising children is always a challenge, and two parents should have about twice the resources for the job as one parent alone. Two heads, two hearts, two sets of hands, and the possibility of two pocketbooks provide a real benefit over just one of each. By almost any measure, children with fathers tend to do better, emotionally, socially, and intellectually, and children without fathers do worse.?

????? Most birds bond together in mating pairs, but only a few species of mammals so.? Pair bonding among birds provides a tremendous survival advantage.?

????? The Snowy owl mom who sits the eggs has a full-time job due to the frigid temperatures. She must rely on her mate to hunt lemmings and bring them back to the nest for her.? Snowy dad hunts as mom sits the eggs, and during their first weeks after the owlets hatch, after which? the mom will join in the hunt. Snowy owls are wonderful parents. They swallow their own hunger and allow their body weights to drop by as much as a third as they provide food for their ravenous youngsters.?

The Evolution of Fatherhood

????? In contrast to birds, pair bonding is relatively uncommon among mammals.? While an egg must be incubated, a mama mammal carries her unborn youngsters inside her belly, remains mobile during gestation, and has an on-board supply of nutritious milk to feed her young after birth.? So while the mating birds who fail to bond would have few or no surviving offspring, most bachelor mammals pass along their genes just fine.??

????? Including? humans, about six percent of primate species form bonded pairs.?

Survival advantages

Relatively lasting pair bonds became commonplace among our early hominid ancestors about 1.7 million years ago, plus or minus a few seasons, and have remained a standard and typical arrangement since then. So in spite of multiple relationships, adultery, briefer life spans, separations, remarriages, and extra mating opportunities for the top bananas, most of our ancestors who passed along their genes to use were what we today term "married."?

????? Out on the Savanna some four or five million years ago, our hominid ancestors were up walking on two feet with their hands free to carry the camping gear and the groceries. A million or so years after that, hominid brains beganbegan to increase in size, from the one pound mini-calculator similar to that of a chimpanzee to the sophisticated three pound wonder brain that is standard equipment in the modern human head. The larger brain takes longer to mature, so human infants became increasingly helpless at birth and took considerably longer to become even modestly self-sufficient. Most primate infants can cling to their moms at birth or soon after, making them easy to carry. They can also scamper on their own, but not human infants.? So travel among our early ancestors came to require two functional individuals working together, one to carry the infant and one to carry the gear. Who better to provide the assistance than a committed mate?? It was about this time that human groups organized into families headed by bonded parents.

????? A larger brain is a high-energy luxury. The 3 pound human brain accounts for about 2% of our normal body weight but consumes fully 20% of our metabolic energy. So a larger-brained ancestor must find ways to acquire the additional nutrition or starve. The introduction of fathers supporting mothers and offspring surely provided a share of the additional resources necessary for higher intelligence.?

????? While a father and mother working together should provide about twice the resources as a mother going it alone, the cumulative results ?were more than that. If a mother could subsist on her own, the extra resources a second parent provides are available for comfort, security, and most importantly, for innovation.?

????? Bonding also provides the basis for extended family relationships.? Siblings from bonded parents are full brothers and sisters, and a father can brings with him paternal grandparents, aunts and uncles, nephews and nieces, cousins, and so on.? It is natural to favor your own kin over unrelated individuals, and kin members ally together for their mutual benefits.???

????? We are now the dominant species on the earth, which we can attribute to an upright gait which leaves our hands free; the use of tools; higher intelligence; language; and to our complex social arrangements.? Pair bonding, of course, has been a principal aspect of our social arrangements


Bonded to a family,? the males of the species became progressively more involved in supporting the females and in raising the youngsters. Bonding with a female provided a continuing sexual relationship for a man, and protected the children against outsider males who would lust after the female but consider her children unwelcome nuisances. Those bonded males who supported the mother and her children be?came our first fathers, providing more for the youngsters and also gaining the additional respect from the mothers, which would surely translate into additional romantic invitations and thus additional progeny. ?By choosing contributors over slackers, our mothers themselves selected personal traits which helped cultivate fatherhood.? ?Relatives also supported contributors over slackers and stood adamantly against men whom they considered ?users.??


? ??? Parenthood itself tends to make men more productive. Men ordinarily work more hours and earn more after they become fathers, while new mothers tend to work fewer hours outside the home and earn less.[5]? Fathers with young children are four times more likely to work at least fifty hours a week outside the home than are working mothers with young children.[6]?? Married men ordinarily bring their earnings home, and marriage usually affords mothers the choice to spend more time with their families. ????? Married men attain faster wage growth in their first ten to twenty years of marriage, compared to men who are not married.? Being married increases by almost 50% the chances that a recently hired man will attain a high performance rating.? One research team concludes that "marriage per se makes [male] workers more productive."[7] Men who become widowed, separated or divorced lose their productivity bonus, suggesting that pair bonding was indeed an important factor in male productivity.

????? Men who can be expected to be good providers are considerably more marriageable.? By one survey, the men who get married over the course of any given year earn about 50% more than the men who do not marry.


Men who have made the transition to fatherhood tend to be highly protective of their families. While we often think of domestic violence beingviolence within a marriage, the reality is quite the opposite. The combination of marriage and fatherhood offers the strongest protection against violence toward women and children.

????? Over the twenty years up to 1992, the rate of violent crimes against women was 43-45 per thousand for unmarried, divorced and separated women, but only 11 per thousand for married women.[8]? Married women benefited from a fourfold reduction in violence compared to their un?married counterparts.[9]


????? The human species has ridden a long way on the traditional family, where the? added resources? lifted mothers, their children and whole societies from meager subsistence toward innovation and abundance. So why is Western society sliding away from fatherhood?

????? The Industrial Revolution introduced the machines that do the heavy lifting, so brain now replaces brawn in productive importance.? Birth control can limit the size of families, so women tend to have fewer children and are freer to work outside the home.? Mothers of young children can usually rely on various forms of government assistance, so a man is no longer so vital and many women find it easier to do without one.?

? ??? While rare among mammals, fatherhood is typical in the Canidae animal family, which? includes wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, and African wild dogs.? Among coyotes the male hunts and brings home warm meals for his missus and their pups.. Some of these social animals have evolved not just fatherhood but also extended family arrangements. Among wolf packs, the alpha male and female are the only breeding pair, but a second pair may fill in as babysitters.???

????? Our most beloved of the canids is none other than the family dog, which was domesticated possibly fifteen thousand years ago from an offshoot of the gray wolf.? While the dog comes from a family of highly honorable paternal ancestors, the domesticated dog shows no interest at all in any paternal responsibilities.

????? So, what happened? Over the generations of domestication, our benevolent human ancestors would feed a hungry mom, replacing fatherhood among dogs by making it unnecessary. This allowed the male dogs more time to chase the stray females who wandered by with the "come hither" perfume.? The welfare benefits provided by humans were sufficient for mom and pups, and the fathering tendency fell out of the doggie communities.?

????? Given that it happened among dogs on welfare, could we not expect it among humans as well??? Government support means that a father is no longer a financial requirement, and the social expectations change according.?

Imbalanced arguments

????? Traditionally, men have been considered the heads of households, in what might today? be considered a sexist arrangement. But step behind the appearances and consider the power differences.? In arguments, when interests conflict, researchers such as John Gottman at the University of Washington observe that women usually dominate while men concede, placate, or withdraw.

????? Traditionally, the man was expected to commit himself to the support of his wife and children. In return, so far as he upheld his responsibilities, he was honored as the head of the family. See the trade-off? In exchange for supporting his wife, doing what she and the children require of him, deferring to her when she is upset with him, and usually losing when he tries to argue against her, he was honored as the head of the family.?

????? Such arrangements have something for each. He gets the honor and she benefits from his support. So the superficially patriarchal arrangement benefits women as much as men.

????? In marriages in which the woman openly heads the family, where is the trade-off?? She is officially in charge and she wields much of the covert emotional power as well, leaving him with little respect and little voice. What is in it for him?? Or for her, since she has no reason to respect him?? .

????? The traditional Christian support for men as heads of house?holds has surely helped to re-balance marriages, upholding men who stay and contribute and asking women to appreciate more and criticize less. It makes you wonder if the early Christians were wiser in these matters than our secular skepticism today would have us believe.?

????? Patriarchy is itself a convenient fiction in which the actors stay in character and the audience agrees to accept the production as just what it pretends to be. See patriarchy as an artfully crafted but fragile arrangement, honoring men who stay and support their families in order to encourage them to do so.

????? Today even that courteous pretense is quickly vanishing as patriarchy now refers more to a form of oppression than to a viable trade-off between men and women. So far as patriarchy implies oppression, then it is good riddance to bad rubbish. So far as patriarchy is merely honor bestowed upon men who marry women and support families, we are losing yet another dimension that holds the two-parent family together.? Females prevail in arguments and males withdraw, creating an imbalance that neither one finds satisfying.

????? As women seek more rights, more security, more safety, and more control of their lives, the importance of fathers gets lost in the mix.? Perhaps we can scrape by without so many fathers, for awhile.? But do we really want to chance it???

Fashioning fathers

A father is ordinarily the biological inseminator, which is our principal standard, although fatherhood is considerably more than mere insemination. [10]

(1) The genetic contribution is vital, in that we are naturally more inclined to love and care for those we believe to be our genetically related family members. Moms and dads tend to sacrifice tend a great deal more for their own biological children than for unrelated youngsters.

????? We want to see the inseminator as the father, and traditionally we required a man who inseminates a woman to marry her and to take on the responsibilities of fatherhood. In the absence of a relationship with the mother or her child, we refer to a sperm provider as the "biological father," meaning that he has contributed a set of genes and little else.? ?We might just as well call the sperm contributor a sire or mate, which are the preferred terms for fatherless species.??

(2) A father has an alliance with the mother in which he marries her or becomes common-law married. Indeed, a man's initial connection to an unborn child is often through his love for the mother. Men who maintain a committed relationship with the mother are the mainstay of fatherhood and contribute willingly, while men who do not bond with the mother or who separate and divorce are often inconsistent or absentee fathers, meaning hardly fathers at all.

(3) A father ?resides with his children and is an integral member of the family.? Living with children means participating in their lives. Unfortunately, men who have only infrequent contact fail to bond properly with the children, and men who bond but are separated from their children often lose the bond.??

????? A continuing partnership with the mother in an intact family vastly increases the chances a sperm contributor will mature into a real father and remain a real father. Unfortunately, the converse is also true. Men who provide sperm but do not partner with women and do not reside with the children seldom become participating fathers in the usual social relationship sense. We want them to be fathers and expect them to be fathers, hardly considering that they do not ex?perience the con?ditions that ordinarily transform men into fathers.

????? Uncommitted men are broadly condemned for their irresponsibility and referred to now as "deadbeat dads," although many were only casual sperm contributors to begin with and never dads at all.? Sperm contributors are still called "fathers," as a way to hold them responsible, but are no longer integrated into the family and remain very much outsiders. The government can force these men to pay for the insemination, but it has no means to turn casual inseminators into authentic fathers.

Only a century ago, the extended family was the norm. And in our earlier years, children were often raised com?munally, with assorted grand?parents, uncles and aunts, and older siblings all involved, and the rest of the community stepping in when necessary. Today, with so many children raised by television and the shopping mall, the fatherless family is hardly a step forward.? And while it is easy enough to condemn men, this Father's Day we take a chance and suggest that our culture would do better to find ways to support men and uphold fatherhood,? to bring out the best in ?men.

????? So long as we appreciate men and uphold men in families, we can hope for an improving quality of life for ourselves and the same to our youngsters.

Happy Fathers Day!

Adapted from? You Still Don't Understand? by DrD and Dr. Nancy Ann Davis.?

[1]???? The 40% for 2007 is from National Center for Health Statistics, March 18, 2009, Contact: CDC National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Communication, (301) 458-4800;? See also Mike Stobbe, 37% of U.S. Births Out of Wedlock, AP, Nov 21, 2007, for 2005 statistics. ?[2]??????? Sharon Jayson, "Births to unmarried women hit record." USA Today, Oct. 28, 2005. [3]???? F. Furstenberg, C. Nord, J. Peterson, & N. Zill. "The life course of children of divorce: Marital disruption and parental contact." American Sociological Review, 48, 5, (Oct. 1983), 661. [4]???? ??????? Furstenberg & A. Cherlin, Divided Families: What Happens to Children when Parents Part (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1991), 35-36. [5] ???? .???????? Furstenberg, Jr. "Good Dads?Bad Dads: Two Faces of Fatherhood," in A. Cherlin (Ed.), The Changing American Family and Public Policy (D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1998), 195. As cited in Maggie Gallagher, The Abolition of Marriage, 178-179. [6] ???? .???????? Anna Quindlen, "Public and Private Men at Work." New York Times, 18 Feb. 1990, 19. [7] ???? ?.??????? Sanders Korenman and David Neumark, Does Marriage Really Make Men More Productive? Finance and Economics Discussion Series #29 (Washington DC, Division of Research and Statistics, Federal Reserve Board, May, 1988). As cited in Gallagher, 1996. [8] ???? .???????? U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics, Highlights from 20 Years of Surveying Crime Victims: The National Crime Victimization Survey, 1973-92 (Washington, DC: US Department of Justice, 1993), 18. Statistics includes females 12 and older. See also D. Blakenhorn, Fatherless America, 32-42.? [9] ???? . ???????????? See: David Crary, "Cohabitation called dangerous to children." AP, Nov. 18, 2007. [10] ? .???????? Blankenhorn also sees an alliance with the mother and physical presence in the family as the two essential conditions for an inseminator to be a good enough father. See Fatherless America.

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Probe finds indecision over how to handle remains of 9/11 victims

New details from an investigation into how Dover Air Force Base handled the remains of some 9/11 victims show an internal debate over how to classify the body parts.

An?independent investigation into why the mortuary at Dover Air Force Base disposed of human remains ? including?body parts of some victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks ? in a landfill released new details Friday, painting a picture of "sketchy handoff communication? and repeated mistakes.

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A series of e-mails ? in which names are redacted ? were released by the Pentagon Friday as part of the independent investigation. They?point to mismanagement and offer corroboration of a 2005 internal investigation that concluded that ?control and accountability of remains is lacking? and that ?human remains were misrouted in a fashion that constituting dereliction of duty.?

For instance, in the days leading up to the decision to dispose of the body parts of some of the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in a landfill, defense officials debated whether it wouldn?t be more proper to bury the remains at sea instead.

The crux of discussion, revealed in e-mails, centers around whether these body parts should be considered ?human remains? or ?medical waste.?

?I do like the idea of spreading the ashes at sea, in that it is neutral area, it should represent an area readily agreeable to all parties,? one official wrote in August 2002.

Another suggested that ?it may be appropriate for us to witness and perhaps even have a chaplain present.?

After all, one US military colonel in the e-mail chain added, the body parts are ?not your normal set of medical waste.??

Yet another official, however, raised an objection to the idea of a burial at sea. ?We shouldn?t attempt to spread the residue at sea, as it could [be] possible [to] send a message to the next of kins that we are disposing human remains, and that is not the case.?

Dover mortuary officials came under fire last year for what the Air Force deemed ?gross mismanagement? that included the landfill revelations. A?review was ordered by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and led by retired Gen. John Abizaid, who once headed the command in charge of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Even after a series of internal investigations into problems at Dover, ?corrective actions were not taken,? Abizaid said.?

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Carnival of Financial Planning - My Personal Finance Journey

Welcome to My Personal Finance Journey! If you are new here, please read the "About" or "First-Time Visitor" pages to find out more about us. If you would like to receive free updates on articles like this by email, then sign up here or you can?subscribe to the RSS feed. Also, check us out on Twitter or Facebook. Thanks for visiting! Keep on learning!

Carnival of Financial Planning - Edition #230 - March 30,?2012

Welcome to the March 30, 2012 Edition #230 of the Carnival of Financial Planning!

The Carnival of Financial Planning takes a long-term view of personal financial planning for individuals and families. The focus is on efficient and sustainable personal financial planning practices that can lead to lifetime financial security.?

This edition is arranged by subject heading, so that you can browse efficiently.


Budgeting and Economics

Justin presents What Should You Try Before You Take Out a Loan? posted at Budget Snob, saying, There are some situations in which taking out a loan is appropriate, such as buying a house or a car. However, in other situations, loans may not be the best choice. Before you take out a loan, its important to look at your options.

Chris presents The Recession Generation posted at Experiglot, saying, We really are the recession generation.

Tim presents 5 Business Lessons Learned from Monopoly posted at Faith and Finance, saying, Monopoly is good family fun and all, but its also a crash course in business. Here are 5 business takeaways you can learn from the old game Monopoly.

Janet presents Living expense tracking methods posted at Independent Financial Planner , saying, " Many people do not track their living expenses and do not understand the magnitude of their consumption. Failure to monitor your consumption expenditures means that they are flying blindly regarding their future finances. "

Darwin presents The REAL Inflation Rate posted at Darwin's Money , saying, Most Americans feel the government inflation numbers aren't representative of the real inflation they see year to year. Here's your solution.

Financial Planning

Craig Ford presents The Unpopular Truth About the Dangers of a Dave Ramsey Only Approach to Christian Finances posted at Money Help For Christians, saying, "Christians should consider paying attention to other financial authors as well."

Jeffrey presents Can We Stop Gushing Over Our Self-Affirming Financial Bull? posted at Money Spruce, saying, Did the title make you uncomfortable or defensive? Good, it's probably not new news to you that everything likes to read things that simply back up what they already think and do. Finances are no different. We like to have all the answers, and we like to be on the right track. Sure, there are little tweaks here and there but not too much to rock the boat.

Dave presents Passive Investing ? Active Investing ? Alpha Returns posted at Wall Street Nerds , saying, " The Old Testament of indexing is Burton Malkiel?s classic A Random Walk Down Wall Street, first published in 1973 by W.W. Norton and now in its ninth edition. For typical individual investors, without special access to information, it offers what is likely the best financial advice they will ever get: It is hard to consistently beat the market, especially after fees. A passive strategy will do better in the long run. "

Philip Taylor presents We Finally Completed Our Last Will and Testament, Living Will, and Durable Power of Attorney posted at PT Money Personal Finance, saying, Discusses our personal estate planning, as well as our choice to pay a lawyer versus using a website such as Legal Zoom.

Jen presents Make Money While Drinking Beer? posted at Master the Art of Saving, saying, I started thinking about it - can you really make money while drinking beer? Yep, I've decided that it is quite possible for somebody to make money while drinking beer-- though most of these things can also been done by sober people.

Shaun presents What to Do If You are in a Car Accident posted at Smart Family Finance, saying, While being a party to a car accident might be outside your control, knowing what to do after a car accident will help keep you safe and potentially avoid you legal headaches down the road.

TSI presents Where?s Waldo? ? The illusion of superior professional mutual fund manager performance. posted at Skilled Investor Blog , saying, " If investment mutual fund managers were truly skilled at beating the market, then you would expect mutual fund manager performance prowess to persist over time. Unfortunately, the evidence indicates that superior past professional performance among mutual fund managers tends not to persist. Past superior mutual fund performance is simply not a predictor of future superior mutual fund performance. "

Everything Finance presents 7 Fun Ways to Teach Children to Save posted at Everything Finance, saying, Creativity is a child's bread and butter, so why not use that to your advantage to teach them about saving money? These clever tips are ideal for teaching your child how to make smart money decisions.

Kevin presents Would You Destroy An Entire Industry? posted at Thousandaire, saying, If you invented something that would benefit consumers immensely but would destroy an entire industry at the same time, would you release your product?

Eddie presents How Do We Measure Success? posted at Finance Fox, saying, Here's my two cents. Singularly education, money, cars and the circle of friends do not measure ones success. Success is measured with a combo of all the above four.


Corey presents How To Make A Killing As A Bar Server posted at Bar Whiz Blog, saying, Although a tight fitting tank top and a pair of orange short-shorts won't hurt, showing skin is not the only way to make a killing as a server. Following these "tips", anyone can make a surprising long-term income from serving.

John presents Wage Slavery and Money Myths posted at Married with Debt, saying, Wage slavery, for some, is an everyday reality. For others, there's no such thing and work is a pleasure.

MR presents Can A Side Blogging Business Help You At Your Primary Job posted at Money Reasons, saying, Can working at a blogging side business help you at your employed day job? I think so and here is my story.

Daniel presents Salary vs Commission: Which Do You Prefer? posted at Sweating the Big Stuff, saying, Do you like working for commission? Do you prefer a salary? There are several compensation options and each has it's own advantages and disadvantages.

Insurance and Risk

Paul Vachon presents Saving Money on Home Insurance posted at The Frugal Toad, saying, There really are no secrets to saving money on home insurance. The trick is to include evaluating your insurance needs as a part of your yearly financial review. Most individuals don't do this and are losing out on potential savings. Here are some of the best ways to save money on home insurance:


Kanwal presents The Biggest Investment Mistakes Canadians Are Making posted at Simply Investing, saying, I was recently interviewed for this article by Cindy Waxer she writes for publications including Technology Review, The Economist, TIME, Fortune Small Business, and Have a look. ManyCanadians are falling short of their investing goals.

Boomer presents Pros and Cons of Holding Your Mortgage in Your RRSP posted at Boomer & Echo, saying, One investment that is eligible to be held in your RRSP is your mortgage. You need to have enough cash, or assets that can be converted to cash, and hold your mortgage in a self-directed RRSP. You then make your mortgage payments to the RRSP instead of a financial institution.

Bobby Boughton presents Is it Better to Invest or Pay off Debt? posted at ReadyForZero Blog, saying, Ah the age old question: Is it better to invest or pay off debt? This article goes through a few scenarios and helps you decide which is the better route to go.

Dividend Growth Investor presents Does entry price matter to dividend investors? posted at Dividend Growth Investor, saying, "The reason for the lost decade in stocks is that many otherwise quality companies were overvalued in the early 2000s. For example Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) was trading at 29.30 times earnings in early 2000, whereas McDonald?s (MCD) traded at 26.90 times earnings. Even some of the best dividend stocks are not worth paying more than 20 times forward earnings."

Teacher Man presents ETF Investing Low Maintenance and Stellar Returns posted at My University Money, saying, So the big day is finally here and we are ready to unveil our eBook the world. A huge thanks goes out to all of the great help Ive had building and marketing the eBook! Without further ado.

Mike presents What You Need To Know About ETF Investing posted at The Dividend Guy Blog, saying, Everything you need to know on the topic.


Steve presents 10 Things You Can Do to Get Out of Debt Starting Today posted at Money Infant, saying, Are you always wondering why you can't get off the debt treadmill and live a satisfying life without constant money worries? 10 things to help get out of debt

Martin presents Do You Know Who Has Your Credit Card Number? posted at Studenomics, saying, The scary possibility of credit card fraud.

Real Estate

A Blinkin presents Should Homeownership Still Be The American Dream? posted at Funancials, saying, This was initially a guest post I wrote for Sam at Financial Samurai. Let me know what you think. There have been numerous studies performed over the years which clearly outline the social benefits of homeownership. In the mid-2000's it was nearly impossible to argue against the advantages of owning a home.

Little House presents Are Homeowners Really More Credit Worthy than Renters? posted at Little House in the Valley, saying, Aren't I, the renter, the more stable consumer than the homeowner who couldn't afford a home to begin with?! Don't my years of rental payments count for something! Why is it that rental payments?aren't?factored into credit worthiness and therefore counted towards my score?

Glen Craig presents What is Mortgage Amortization and How Does it Work? posted at Free From Broke, saying, People get confused when they hear the term Mortgage Amortization. Don't be. It's not that confusing. See what mortgage amortization is and how it works.


FMF presents Determine Your Retirement Number?posted at Free Money Finance, saying, The first step in determining how much money you will need to save for retirement is to answer a few basic questions about your future. If you can answer these six questions accurately then your retirement savings number will also be accurate.

Madison presents Unveiling The Retirement Myth: Book Review posted at My Dollar Plan, saying, There are so many books about saving, investing, and building your portfolio, that it is rare to find a good book about spending down your portfolio, or the distribution stage. The book Unveiling The Retirement Myth by Jim Otar does a great job on explaining the distribution stage, in detail, with actual numbers.


N.W. Journey presents Start Planning and Saving for the Holidays Now posted at Networth Journey, saying, "Discover why now is the best time to save for the holidays."

Ashley presents Saving For College; How to do it and why you shouldn't feel guilty for not posted at Money Talks Coaching, saying, Saving for college is a huge task. Not only does the cost rise faster than inflation you have a very short time frame in which to save.

Kyle presents How to Save 10 Percent on Your Grocery Bill Without Cutting a Single Coupon posted at The Penny Hoarder, saying, If you're someone who won't use coupons or you're somebody who uses coupons, but wants to save even more, I've got an unconventional way to cut the grocery bill.


Cash Flow Mantra presents Update on Income Tax Situation posted at Cash Flow Mantra, saying, For those of you who might be unfamiliar with this part of my financial life, I owe some money to the IRS, and it is not just a little bit. I had to come up with another plan which involved borrowing money from individuals so I could avoid paying more taxes plus a nasty penalty on funds withdrawn from a retirement account. Yes, I am a little like Greece and kicking the can down the road, but I think that things will be getting better.

Money Cone presents Handling Royalty Trusts in Turbo Tax posted at Money Cone, saying, If you own Royalty Trusts in a tax-deferred account, you can skip the tax preparation step and unlike MLPs, owning Royalty Trusts in your 401K or IRAs wont trigger the dreaded UBTI. But if you happen to own them in a taxable account, be prepared to spend some time doing the tax math for each Royalty Trust you own.

Super Saver presents Where's My Refund? posted at My Wealth Builder, saying, "Despite getting a refund this year, I have not filed and therefore know why I haven't received a refund. However, for many that have filed, their refunds have been delayed."

That concludes this edition.?Submit your blog article to the next edition of Carnival of Financial Planning using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.


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FirstMark Capital Leads $7.5M Round In Social Shopping Startup Sneakpeeq

sneakpeeqSneakpeeq, a social shopping startup that debuted at TechCrunch Disrupt last year, has raised $7.5 Million in Series A funding led by FirstMark Capital with participation from existing investors Bain Capital Ventures and Metamorphic Ventures. This brings the company's total funding to over $10 million. The startup aims to replicate the experience of shopping for items in a retail store with a social twist. Similar to the way you flip over a price tag to look at the cost of at item at a store, Sneakpeeq doesn't tell you the price instantly when you visit a product's landing page. You click a "Peeq" button to find the price. The site features daily boutiques that offer discounts on clothes, shoes, home accessories and more from 1000-plus brands, from well-known names like Kate Spade and Puma to smaller designers and purveyors.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

So why Chocolate Results in Good Health and fitness | The Digital ...

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Public Speaking Exercises | Public Speaking Coaching

Is it anytime soon you are going to have to give a public speech and you need to do some public speaking exercises? Or perhaps you are ashamed of your previous speech and you want to improve your public speaking. Or is it that you?re feeling nervous and you need to find a way to calm down?

Don?t worry. Been there, done that. And I feel you.
I?ve been asked couple of times by some friends for some tips and I thought it would be a good idea if I could write them down. So here it goes, I will give you some quick tips that will help you with your public speaking exercises so you feel better and more prepared.

Practice in front of a mirror Prepare your speech, and go in front of a mirror. Visualize yourself as if you were in front of your audience and start giving your speech. What?s the benefit? You get to see how you look when giving your speech. Apart from having a general idea whether you like what you see or not, you can also try to detect your ?Weak? and ?Strong? spots so that you can either eliminate or emphasize them.
An alternate version of the above public speaking exercise is to record yourself on tape, either in a real event or again while in your home. My personal suggestion is that you gather some family members and/or friends and you practice your public speech in front of them, whilevideotaping it! Then all together watch the tape and ask them to point out what they did or did not like.
Memorize your speech. Ask yourself, would you like to be attending in an event where someone is giving a speech, reading everyone from his notes? Wouldn?t you feel much better, enjoy and perhaps connect with him, if he was trying to bond with his audience by looking them in the eyes? Of course I am not saying that you should memorize your whole speech, or that even if you forget something you can?t take a quick look at your notes, but the point is not to keep looking constantly at them! The last of my public speaking exercises is to
Change the tone of your voice in order to emphasize certain parts of your speech. Change of your tone helps the audience better realize the importance of what you are talking about and helps them connect with you faster. For example if you say something that is supposed to shock your audience, you should shout.

The next one is not exactly a public speaking exercise, but a personal tip.
It is very important that you hang out a lot with friends, and perhaps meet new people quite frequently. Not only do you get to talk with people you might have not known until that moment (like people in your audience) but you are also given a great chance to talk about things you don?t know. So the next time someone in your company is talking about something quite unknown to you, don?t waste the chance, participate in the conversation. Even if you know almost nothing it will really help you when you need to improvisewith your speech.

As I said these are part of my experience over the last years. When I had started I was not even quite a successful speaker, but some public speaking exercises, some hard work and continuous speeches pointed me to the right direction.

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